Area Supervisors

An Area Supervisor is responsible for the day-to-day management of its appointed area.

Area Supervisors

The following list bounds the different areas of responsibility that may be managed by a given Area Supervisor.

  • Foundation Schemas (i.e. Core, Common, Independent, Results, Variables and Directives Schemas) - Bill Munyan, CIS
  • Android Schemas - Pooja Shetty, SecPod
  • Apple Schemas (iOS, Macintosh) - David Solin, Joval
  • Cisco Schemas (ASA, CatOS, IOS, IOS XE, PixOS) - Omar Santos, Cisco
  • FreeBSD Schemas - David Solin, Joval
  • HP-UX Schemas - John Ulmer, US Navy SPAWAR
  • IBM AIX Schemas - John Ulmer, US Navy SPAWAR
  • Linux Schemas - Watson Sato, Red Hat
  • UNIX Schemas - Watson Sato, Red Hat
  • Sun Solaris Schemas - Jarrett Lu, Oracle
  • Juniper JunOS Schemas - David Solin, Joval
  • NETCONF Schemas - David Solin, Joval
  • Microsoft Schemas (i.e. Microsoft Windows, SharePoint) - Jack Vander Pol, US Navy SPAWAR
  • Vmware Schemas (i.e. ESX) - TBD


Individuals or organizations appointed to be an Area Supervisor are appointed to one or more Areas of Responsibility. In general, each Supervisor MUST:

  • Be engaged with the language development process
  • Consult with other Supervisors where appropriate
  • Ensure coverage for their area(s) in the event of an expected absence

Language Governance Responsibilities

Area Supervisors have can important role to play throughout the language development process, as they are involved in nearly all of its facets.

Language Development

  • Consensus Call: See “Consensus Building” below
  • Release: The Supervisor is responsible for releasing updates to the OVAL Language within its purview, which may require coordination with other Area Supervisors

Update Design Principles

  • Review Proposed Update: All parties review the proposed update to the design principles
  • Suggest Change: All parties are able to suggest changes to the proposed update

Consensus Building

  • Update Design Principles: See “Update Design Principles” above
  • Create Consensus Call: The Area Supervisor MUST formally call for consensus for the proposal under review in their area
  • Address Issue: When issues are raised during a formal consensus call, the Area Supervisor MUST acknowledge and take appropriate action for the raised issue


Area Supervisors are appointed by the Sponsor.