Editing These Guidelines

Are you interested in contributing a change to these guidelines? If so, thank you!

This document is intended to help you get up and running.


You’ll need the following in order to get started:

  1. A fork of The OVAL Community github repository
  2. A local working copy of your fork
  3. Python 3.x

Initial Setup

In order to build the guidelines locally and review your changes, you’ll need to install a few Python modules:

# cd to the root of your fork of this repository

# create a python virtual environment (recommended) and activate it
python3 -m venv ./venv
. ./venv/bin/activate

# install required python modules
pip install -r tools/requirements.txt

Building the Guidelines

On Windows:

cd guidelines

On Mac/Linux:

cd guidelines
make html

Using Sphinx Auto Build/Reload (Windows/Max/Linux):

cd guidelines
sphinx-autobuild . ./_build/html

Using reStructuredText

These guidelines are written in reStructuredText. Learn more here:

Important Guideline Guidelines

These guidelines use the following section heading formats:

Page Header

Section Header

Subsection Header

SubSubsection Header

When updating these guidelines, please note the following:

  • Every page MUST start with a Page Header (underlines with “=”) and MUST only contain 1 Page Header